Why should I join a Small Group Bible study?

We believe in the power of small groups to impact your life, the lives of those around you, and even our community as a whole. We believe you can only go so far on your own — God designed us to be connected to each other so that we can continue to grow in every facet of our lives.

Jesus sacrificed himself so all of us could discover a LIFE that’s abundant and free. But that doesn’t happen in isolation. The Bible teaches that our spiritual growth happens best through relationships. At Trinity Lutheran Church, we GROW in Small Groups. Come join us. The fall semester begins September 16th and ends November 17th.


Through this six-session small group Bible study, 40 Days of Love, pastor Rick Warren teaches you how to make authentically loving God and loving others the deepest desire, highest aspiration, and constant focus.

In this six-session study, Rick Warren shares practical, Christ-centered advice on how to authentically love God and love your neighbor as a normal way of life. With a focus on the spiritual truths of patience, kindness, truth, and forgiveness, you will learn to make love your dominant life value.


Our goal in Sunday School is to introduce your kids to the real Jesus at each phase of life. Our teams provide a safe, fun, and engaging experience where your child can be paired with a leader to guide them through service and into a closer relationship with Jesus.

We take the safety of your child very seriously! Every adult in our classrooms has been interviewed, carefully trained, and has a current background check on file. Also, one of our goals is to help your child transition more easily to their elementary years.

Sunday School classes begin after reading of the Gospel.


Each year, typically in the first week of August, Trinity hosts Vacation Bible School for children ages 3 to 5th grade. Children from Trinity, the local neighborhoods, and surrounding areas are welcome to attend.
Registration is normally free.