Lutheran Worship Class with Pastor B. 7-8:30 p.m. – POG
May 25 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Six sessions about Our Worship
For Lutherans, worship matters. In fact, worship lies at the heart of what we understand the church to be. Prince of Glory, Trinity, and Good Shepherd all have strong worship traditions and have been shaped and formed in important ways by their worship. We have much in common, and some differences too. Why and how does it matter? What can we learn from each other, and what can we learn from other traditions beyond our own experience that can help us in our future mission?
For the sake of the mission we share and with the hope of understanding more deeply who we are as Lutheran Christians together, this class invites people from across our congregations into conversation and study about worship—the why and the how of Lutheran worship.
If you’ve ever asked about a certain worship practice, “why do we do that?”
this is the class for you!
If you’ve ever wondered about the background of our Sunday worship,
this is the class for you!
If you want to meet and talk with others who gather for worship regularly,
this is the class for you!
Pastor Brandt will teach these six sessions on Wednesday evenings beginning May 4 at Prince of Glory, 7:00-8:30 pm.
Bring a Bible and a hymnal if you have one. Sign up here and plan for a stimulating and faith-enriching experience.